"Helping Those Who Help Themselves". Considered by audiences to be a profoundly caring and joyously inspiring teacher!
You can listen without viewing if more convenient!
#4791 (Gray Top) What Is This Thing Called Love?
#4689 (Blue Jacket) Transcendence - Opening theThird Eye
#4840 (White Jacket) Learning To Transform Stress - Opening the Second Eye
#4850 (Maroon and Black Dress) Finding Your Bliss
#4864 (Black Sweater and White Collar) Parenting
Tape0001 (Black Dress) What Do We Need To Be Happy? - Maslow lecture from yesteryear.
#4998 (Pink Top) "Your Little Voices" Id, Ego, Superego
#5043 (Gold V-Neck Top) Catch A Dream - Using Freud's Theory
#4897 (Beige with Blue and White Striped Top) Moment to Moment Awareness
Please send a ONE TIME payment in cash, money order or check (made out to Dolores Reilly) in the amount of $1.00. You continue to have repeated access to all of the videos as they become available:
Dolores Reilly, Ed.M.
c/o Self Help Seminars
P.O. Box 713,
Long Valley , NJ 07853
All monies will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Please share videos with anyone you think may be interested. Thank you!
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at doloresmreilly@gmail.com
"Dolores is President of Self Help Seminars. She holds an Educational Master's degree from Rutgers University in Counseling Psychology and Guidance and is a retired Licensed Professional Counselor. She teaches a variety of seminars on personal growth.
After 38 years as a Professor at the County College of Morris, Dolores is now dedicating her time to doing what she loves best which is bringing low cost seminars to the public.
Professor Reilly is a recipient of several awards including : "Educator of the Year", Educational Opportunity Fund; NISOD Leadership Program for Teaching Excellence; Horizon's "Above and Beyond Award", Center for Academic Support and Enrichment; Achievement Certificate (In Recognition of Outstanding Performance as a Community Volunteer, Devereux Deerhaven; Certificate of Recognition for 10 Years of Service, Psi Beta Honor Society. "
Therapy sessions, circumstances, and dialogue have been altered to protect confidentially of clients and colleagues.
Click upper left on a mobile phone or upper right-hand corner on your computer for Reading List/Bibliography.